Exercises You Can Do at Home

1. Weight Training

Light weight training can help build muscle mass and retain bone density without putting undue stress on the muscles. You can use 2-pound weights to do exercises like shoulder presses and arm raises. If you don’t have weights, you can use objects around the house like water bottles or cans of food.

2. Aerobics
You don’t need a gym membership to do aerobic exercises. If you want to follow a routine,  you can use an exercise DVD. If you prefer to exercise on their own can do 5-minute intervals of classic aerobic moves like jumping jacks and knee lifts. Aerobic exercises are crucial  to get the heart pumping and promote cardiovascular health.

3. Yoga
Yoga is one of the best ways to stay limber because this form of exercise focuses on balance, strength, and flexibility. You can do classic yoga poses like downward facing dog, seated forward bend, and warrior. Older adults with limited mobility can try chair yoga.

4. Squats
Squats are one of the best ways to strengthen the legs, as this exercise works muscles throughout the lower body. To perform this exercise, you should start by standing up straight with their toes pointed forward. You should then bend their knees until crouched in a near-seated position, then repeat this exercise to gain muscle mass in the calves and quads. You can hold onto a chair if they need assistance with balancing.

5. Walking
You don’t have to leave the house to go walking. You can strap on their pedometers, turn on some music, and power walk through the house. To make the most of this exercise, you should try to pump their arms and lift their knees with each step. 

6. Sit Ups
Strong core muscles increase balance, minimize back pain, and reduce the risk of injury. To increase your core strength, you can do simple sit ups. You should start by lying on your back with your knees bent at an angle. You should then place your hands behind their head and gently lift your head upward, all the while engaging the stomach muscles.

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